Best Countries To Live In the World Based On Quality of Life
The world wasn’t created equal. Seas and deserts, volcanoes and glaciers, tropicals and savannahs, Albinos and Mongolians and Aryans… this earth is diverse. And today more so, with the many continents and many countries being at different levels of development. So living in, say, a South African country is different from living in a Scandinavian one. The quality of life in a country with high literacy rate, job security, social welfare, healthcare and economic prosperity is much better than in a country lacking these. As such, there are numerous parameters that define a country’s mettle in its life-giving tendencies.
So if you have a chance at choosing where you want to live, and the world is your oyster, then here’s a list of best countries to live in the world.

The Scandinavian country is listed as the best country to live in on the United Nations List. It is a beautiful country no doubt, but has also been bestowed with some of nature’s coldest, harshest elements. And yet over the decades, Norway has successfully made life so amazing for its citizens. From a flawlessly running healthcare system to almost 100% literacy rate, relaxed work days and professional ethic to a happier way of life, Norway excels and how! So if you can live anywhere in the world, then choose Norway. The northern lights and midnight suns don’t hurt either!

The Swiss are known for many of their decadent delights, like the rich chocolate and milk treats, like cheese, like world class watches… and the heavenly tourism. But do you know what this country is better for than travelling? For living of course! Switzerland has one of the world’s highest and healthiest life expectancy. The air here is so clean and well maintained, that sick and weary from around the world come here to recuperate. Other citizen privileges like healthcare, jobs and social security also trump most of the other first world nations here.

Ranking in the definite top ten countries to live in the world, Australia is quite high on the Human Development Index. The land down under keeps its citizens happy, makes them feel grateful to be breathing on this earth and hence trails up front on the list. More importantly, Australia is the country where you would want to settle with your children. Because the school system here not only coerces you to study but also to excel at whatever you are passionate about. Australia also has a very high number of students going for higher studies which corroborates the earlier therory. So, if flipped seasons, beaches, coral reefs and a cute accent is what appeal to you then choose Australia.

The land of myths and celtic rituals, of fables and magical creatures, of omens and people who love to tell stories - Ireland is a beautiful place to visit. But it is more beautiful to live in. Why wouldn’t it be? Because despite its scary tall tales of half princesses and gnomes, the country is one of the safest in the world to live. There are plenty opportunities for a good life, plenty cities that don’t smoke like chimneys and plenty recreation to make you feel like you are living a dream.

The Germans are known for their not so pleasant dispositions and beer and sauerkraut, for Christmas night markets and Oktober fest galore; but most of all, today, Germany is known for being counted in the top places to live. It is rather commendable how this country has time and again rebuilt itself, first from the ravages of World Wars, then from Cold War, and recently, from the fall of the Berlin Wall. Today, Germany is a place were education is valued the most, with almost all of its population having gotten higher studies degrees, only 4% not being through post-grad. Isn’t that amazing?
And with education comes a kind of civility that makes you good people, even if you have inherited a churlish disposition!

The land of glaciers and volcanoes, Iceland is a unique brand of beauty. It sees many months of northern lights in winter and many months of midnight sun in summer. What with such natural charm, Iceland, as a country has made big bucks on tourism. But its economy and lifestyle of people is not far behind. In fact, Iceland has one of the highest life expectancies in the world, at 83 years average. The healthcare here is phenomenal, as are day-to-day opportunities. This is the kind of country where you don’t only survive, but thrive.

A Scandinavian nation with a collection of coastal islands, Sweden is a country with uber clean streets, overall welfare and happy people. Its strong social welfare system makes a massive point in its favour. The amazing healthcare system and completely free education add to that, making Sweden a greater than great place to spend your life in. The country also focuses on equal opportunities for all, freedom, sustainable growth and security. Low crimes rates sweeten the deal even further! And of course, who can overlook the gorgeous surroundings, lakes and rivers, mountains and glaciers?
Hong Kong

One of Asia’s and world’s most important economic centres, Hong Kong can be also labelled as the business epicentre of China. This itself raises the standard of living here. What’s more is, Hong Kong levies very low taxes on its citizens, with the highest slab going up to 17%. So businessmen or families find this place great to make a life in. Because of severe punishments for crimes, the crime rate is very low. The culture here is not completely westernised yet, so you will be able to find the preserved eastern values and imbibe them into your children. Temples and monasteries are still just as revered. All religions and festivals and respected and even celebrated. What’s more to ask for?

Well, you might have thought of Singapore as the perfect Asian holiday destination. And probably even been there a time or two for recreation. But really, this island country is a great place to stay in and never return. It occupies a position of pride on the fifth spot of world’s best countries to live in. Right next to Denmark, if you will. The high life expectancy, lower than lower crime rate, ever-growing opportunities and massively well developed and maintained infrastructure make a strong case in Singapore’s favour. The healthcare system here is also commendable and makes living with a family so easy.
The Netherlands

A small European country in the western region of the continent, the Netherlands is another tourism-driven country that is famous world over for its perfectly well maintained canals, windmills, cycling culture and tulip gardens. Of course, who wouldn’t be happy seeing the above mentioned sceneries every day for the rest of their lives when they wake up? What makes this country much more tempting to make a home in is the fact that it does not have a high wage gap, hence proving to be a vastly layered ground for everybody to flourish. The equality in pay results in better standard of living and disposable income for all, which leads to happier people who are not jealous or dissatisfied. And if they are, the famous chocolate sprinklers and waffles take away any sting!

A country built by immigrants and with respect towards aborigines, Canada has not progressed as quickly as its southern cousin, but makes for a better country to live in than the USA. With its mix of white glacial wilderness and alpine forests, skyscraper-filled cities and quaint towns where a quiet life can be easily possible, Canada welcomes immigrants with open arms and respects their culture and religion. In fact, it happily works towards integrating all of that into its own fabric. From Indian Sikhs and Gujarati Patels emigrating in search of better business prospects to the Syrian refugees escaping persecution, Canada has opened its arms to all. Adding to the above, there are factors like clean environment, human rights, gender equality and religious freedom that make people happy here.